According to Jill, the team is striving to figure out 'how little can get away with' in terms of thought bubbles and other items taking up screen space. Jill, a producer on Project Rene, then added to this with a short discussion regarding the game's socialization overhaul. According to Nawwaf, the team's vision for the game is driven by the phrase 'Read the Room.' Nawwaf said he wants players to know 'how their sims feel and what they're thinking just by how they behave.' To do this, the team is focusing on animating attitudes, emotions, and even sims's postures, with greater clarity. The segment was then tossed over to Nawwaf, Project Rene's animation director. However, it did share a short video depicting the game's day-and-night cycle, as well as a few images depicting interior lighting. In regards to lighting, the team stated it is currently working on exploring 'new lighting technologies that will allow us to create highly customizable spaces and let players tell emotionally resonant stories that will look great on your computer and on your phone,' but didn't confirm exactly what that entailed.
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